Sprained Ankle Treatment

Sprained Ankle Treatment​ At Home

Care at home is directed toward lessening the pain and helping healing. Because most of the pain is caused by inflammation, you should try to reduce inflammation and keep it from happening. Ice is the best treatment. It will counteract the increased blood flow to the injured area. It will reduce the swelling, redness and warmth. Applied soon after the injury, ice will prevent much of this inflammation from happening. Use cold therapy gel or apply an ice pack directly to the skin. (If you apply an ice pack, use a towel between the ice pack and the skin to prevent frostbite.) Rest. Pain is your body’s signalling that something is wrong. As soon as you’re hurt, stop your activity and rest as much as possible for t24 to 48 hours, or two days. Elevation. This means raising the sore body part above the level of your heart. Doing so reduces pain, throbbing and any internal bleeding, which can lead to bruises.

Sprained Ankle Injury

sprained ankle treatmentThe ankle joint that connects the foot to the lower leg is often damaged. Injury usually happens when the foot is planted awkwardly and an unnatural twisting motion affects the joint. This common injury can occur during sports events or walking, or even while doing something as easy as getting out of bed. Ankle injuries can be very painful and make daily activities very difficult.

Ligaments providing the connection between the bones of ankle can be injured when extra stretching force is applied. This happens most commonly when the foot is inverted too much. The most common reason for this injury is that the foot was placed incorrectly on the ground, or it can occur while walking or running on stairs or on difficult terrain. Many times, the damage happens accidently during simple tasks, such as getting off the sofa or doing sports.




When an ankle is injured, the symptoms of inflammation usually occur. Internal bleeding, swelling and pain result from ​​this disorder. The amount of swelling and bleeding depends on how fast blood circulation is at the time of disability. During sports, the heart rate is high and circulation in the muscles is maximized. In this case, bleeding at the disability area can become strong without first aid. Pain in the area can also be strong because the nerves are more sensitive, and redness and warmth are caused by increased blood flow to the area.